公司简介 Company Profile 上海更鑫机械制造有限公司成立于2006年3月,坐落在奉贤区金汇镇工业园,生产面积2000㎡,是一家专注精密机械加工**化公司, Shanghai Gengxin Machinery Manufaturing Co.,Ltd was established in 1994,and it located in Shanghai City, Fengcian district Jinhui town industrial park. The company is a professional manufacturer who specialised in precision machining and its production area covers 2,000 square meters. 凭借先进的生产和服务理念,利用从闽台和宁波引进的五台大中型CNC加工中心 By virtue of advanced production technology and Service principle, the company brought in five medium-to-large sizeCNC processing center from Taiwan and Ningbo provinces. 在一批视质量为生命、客户为上帝的良好员工的不懈努力下,迅速成长成为行中的新军,具有较强的市场竞争力。 With the great effort of the talented staffs who take quality as life and customer as the God,the company runs up to a newcomer to the manufacturing industry,and has strong market competitiveness. 企业已经形成从下料,焊接,粗加工,精加工,到装配等系列生产能力,企业所生产的产品已经涉及到航天、汽车、仪器仪表、冶金、液压、隧道建设、机械制造等各领域,并**到日本、加拿大、德国、新加坡、法国等国外市场。 The company has form a manufacturing ability system from baiting,joint